Emma gerard
I researched the history of adornment in Ancient Egypt, a culture that I have always found fascinating. Egyptian jewellery was particularly interesting to me, not only because of the intricacy and the visual language but also because of the concept behind the objects in the culture. Much of the jewellery was worn as amulets for protection, and for offerings and shrines. I posed the question, “What if we applied ancient reasons for adornment to present day society?” In this new work, I hope to answer the questions: What do we need protection from? What do we need to protect? And, what do we idolize? The result is elaborate Egyptian inspired jewellery that is applied to current issues.
This work was made possible thanks to the support of the Ontario Arts Council.
I researched the history of adornment in Ancient Egypt, a culture that I have always found fascinating. Egyptian jewellery was particularly interesting to me, not only because of the intricacy and the visual language but also because of the concept behind the objects in the culture. Much of the jewellery was worn as amulets for protection, and for offerings and shrines. I posed the question, “What if we applied ancient reasons for adornment to present day society?” In this new work, I hope to answer the questions: What do we need protection from? What do we need to protect? And, what do we idolize? The result is elaborate Egyptian inspired jewellery that is applied to current issues.
This work was made possible thanks to the support of the Ontario Arts Council.
To Protect Against: Obesity
flameworked glass
To Protect Against: Separation
flameworked glass
To Protect Against: Americans
flameworked glass
To Protect Against: Unrequited Love
flameworked glass, sterling silver
To Protect Against: Illness
flameworked + fused glass
To Protect Against: Cravings
flameworked glass
To Protect: Identity I
flameworked glass, sterling silver
To Protect: Identity II
flameworked glass, sterling silver
To Protect: Memories & Nostalgia I
flameworked glass
To Protect: Memories & Nostalgia II
flamworked glass, sterling silver
To Protect: Your Body
flameworked glass
To Protect: Sanity
flameworked glass