Emma gerard
To me, growth has many meanings. Firstly it is a direct reference to my subject matter. The form and texture of various seeds and mushrooms are fascinating and I admire their resilience. They pop up in unexpected places and I am amazed to see them thrive even in adverse conditions. Secondly, it makes reference to the electroforming technique I have employed to make this work. Electroforming is a technique that allows me to create forms by literally growing copper ions on a base of sculpted wax. Thirdly, as a metaphor for my journey of personal growth; it references my increased self-knowledge as an artist and skilled craftsperson, my experiences in business development and my confidence in making cross-disciplinary connections. Finally, seeds are a launching point for growth in the lives of plants and similarly this work represents a seed from which I hope to grow and develop professionally.
formed & electroplated copper, patina
formed & electroplated copper, patina
formed & electroplated copper, 24k gold plating
formed & electroplated copper, patina
formed & electroplated copper, patina, enamel, 24k gold plating
formed & electroplated copper, flameworked glass, patina
formed & electroplated copper, patina, silk, sterling silver
formed & electroplated copper, patina, silk, sterling silver
formed & electroplated copper, patina
formed & electroplated copper, patina
I researched the history of adornment in Ancient Egypt, a culture that I have always found fascinating. Egyptian jewellery was particularly interesting to me, not only because of the intricacy and the visual language but also because of the concept behind the objects in the culture. Much of the jewellery was worn as amulets for protection, and for offerings and shrines. I posed the question, “What if we applied ancient reasons for adornment to present day society?” In this new work, I hope to answer the questions: What do we need protection from? What do we need to protect? And, what do we idolize? The result is elaborate Egyptian inspired jewellery that is applied to current issues.
This work was made possible thanks to the support of the Ontario Arts Council.
flameworked glass
flameworked glass
flameworked glass
flameworked glass, sterling silver
flameworked + fused glass
flameworked glass
flameworked glass, sterling silver
flameworked glass, sterling silver
flameworked glass
flamworked glass, sterling silver
flameworked glass
flameworked glass
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. These are words that have stuck with me since childhood. Words can leave scars that are deep-rooted, but they are only words and they mean nothing unless we allow them to. Everyone is teased at some point in their lives, the outcome relies solely on your perception of yourself and how you interpret others’ perceptions of you. Nobody is perfect, so why do we call it an imperfection? With this body of work I am presenting a series of awards for insults. I am utilizing the idea that a flaw is something you want to hide and using an award as a platform to put them on display. An award is something you are proud of, something that you want to show off. These are ironic awards given for bravely not fitting into the mold, and for wearing it proudly.
hot sculpted glass, wool
blown + hot sculpted glass, mixed media
hot sculpted glass, resin, mixed media
flameworked glass, mixed media
mold blow glass, mixed media
blown + hot sculpted glass, mixed media
mixed media
hot sculpted glass, mixed media
hot sculpted glass, mixed media
mixed media
“I cannot say enough how much I value beauty as a quality that gives power and advantage…It takes place in human relations, appears in the foreground, seduces and prepossesses our judgements, exercises great authority, and is marvelously impressive.”
– Michel De Montaigne
blown + enameled glass
hot sculpted + blown glass
blown + hotsculpted glass, enamel
blown + enameled glass
blown glass
blown glass, mixed media
blown glass, copper
A small collection of my favourite pieces that I created while I was a student at Sheridan College
kiln cast lead crystal
blown + hotsculpted glass
kiln cast + blown glass
blown + sandblasted glass
blown glass
blown + hotsculpted glass
blown + hot sculpted glass