The Graduate

I should probably have more to say after two years of school, but the last month and a half has been a whirlwind.  Between finishing up projects at school, critiques, packing my entire life up and saying goodbyes, getting home, doing shows, and attending the SNAG conference and trying to setup up a work space there has been no time to sit down and write about everything that's on my mind.  I am going to have to do this in a few parts so as to not overwhelm myself more than I already am. 

Maybe I will just post a few pictures from the end of school, sound good?

My cursed enameled lady all done:


So many silky earrings:

Even more silky earrings setup on my bench getting ready for final crit:

Boy am I ever going to miss this view....

Though a bit of a reluctant hero, Alphonse was ready for his trip back to Ontario.